Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Assistance of Literacy and Communication Skill for People with Hearing and Speech Impairment

CIQAL has been commiting Assistance of Literacy and Communication Skill for People with Hearing and Speech Impairment since May 2012. It is a sub-program of Economic Empowerment Program of People with Disabilities in Bantul Regency, Province of Yogyakarta Special Region.

Background of Program

At program 2010 and 2011 before, CIQAL found some CIQAL’s beneficiaries that have hearing and speech impairment have communication problem. They don’t know sign language. They also cannot write and cannot read. Of course it’s the big problem. How can they be interacted with society while they cannot communicate with their community?

That’s why in program 2012-2013, CIQAL added sub-program Assistance of Literacy and Communication Skill for People with Hearing and Speech Impairment.

The participants of Assistance of Literacy and Communication Skill for People with Hearing and Speech Impairment are not only PWDs but also their family. It is important because family is the main support for PWD.
Assistance of Literacy and Communication Skill for People with Hearing and Speech Impairment has been done in 10 subdistricts in Bantul Regency. It is done in Banguntapan subdistrict, Pajangan subdistrict, Sedayu subdistrict, Kasihan subdistrict, Pandak subdistrict, Sanden subdistrict, Piyungan subdistrict, Kretek subdistrict, Dlingo subdistrict and Srandakan subdistrict.

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Workshop Penyusunan Manual Monitoring Realisasi CRPD

Tanggal 19-20 Oktober kemarin, bertempat di Hotel Gowongan Inn, CIQAL mengadakan Workshop Penyusunan Manual Monitoring Realisasi CRPD (Konvensi PBB tentang Hak Penyandang Disabilitas). 

Workshop ini merupakan bagian dari program Peningkatan Partisipasi DPO (Disability People Organization dalam Melakukan Monitoring atas Upaya-upaya Pemajuan, Penghormatan dan Pemenuhan Hak-hak Penyandang Disabilitas di Propinsi DIY.

Karena berkaitan dengan peningkatan partisipasi DPO, maka workshop ini diikuti oleh perwakilan-perwakilan dari DPO di propinsi DIY serta 1 perwakilan DPO dari Bali yakni Yayasan Senang Hati. Keterlibatan organisasi-organisasi disabilitas (DPO) dalam  Workshop Penyusunan Manual Monitoring Realisasi CRPD ini tak lain untuk lebih menjamin pemenuhan realisasi CRPD.

Dari workshop yang berlangsung selama 2 hari tersebut, dihasilkan rancangan indikator-indikator serta Form Monitoring Implementasi CRPD di bidang pendidikan, ketenagakejaan dan habilitasi-rehabilitasi.